تحويل جلوتين الذرة إلى زيت ميكروبي باستخدام خميرا الكانديدا

·        حسين عبدالله الفضالي، فاطمة إبراهيم الهواري، سمير السيد، أمل يحيى الشافعي: "تحويل جلوتين الذرة إلى زيت ميكروبي باستخدام خميرا الكانديدا PRODUCTION OF SINGLE CELL OIL FROM CORN GLUTEN MEAL BY Candida lipolytica"، مجلة جامعة المنصورة للعلوم الزراعية، مجلد 33، العدد (7)، يوليو 2008، الصفحات 5245-5255. 

# الملخص الإنجليزي للبحث:
Corn gluten meal is a waste of starch and glucose factory. Candida lipolytica NRRL-y-1095 strain which capable of oil biosynthesis on a medium containing Agro-industrial wastes such as sugar cane molasses and corn gluten meal. The optimization for single cell oil (SCO) production was carried out and both biomass and SCO produced were determined. Obtained data showed that the optimum conditions for SCO production were 72 h, 20°C, 6, 200 rpm for incubation period, incubation temperature, initial pH and agitation speed, respectively. The effect of NaCl addition was also examined and the obtained data proved the possibility of using Candida lipolytica NRRL-y-1095 for single cell oil (SCO) production using some agri-industrial by-products from economic point of view and for environmental protection as well.


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